So Locks: sale of oil for locks

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Which plant-based oil should I use to maintain locks?

To look after your locks and scalp, using moisturiser is essential. It keeps your hair supple and prevents breakages from occurring. Are your locks badly damaged? If so, try an oil bath. Mix different plant oils, such as argan oil, jojoba or castor oil, and apply the spray to your locks.

Next, wrap your locks in a warm towel and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. This moisturising treatment will deeply nourish your locks and help them regain their radiance. Always choose organic plant oils when possible.

Argan oil

Argan oil is an excellent option for locks. It's rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, which helps moisturise and soften dry, damaged hair. Argan oil penetrates deep into the hair fibres to nourish them from the inside out. It is also known to reduce frizz, improve shine and strengthen locks.

Castor oil

This oil is known for its moisturising and strengthening properties. It helps prevent hair breakage and promotes the growth of locks.

Sweet almond oil

If you have coloured locks, then choose oils that will preserve the colour of your hair. Sweet almond oil is an ideal option for hair, as it nourishes and softens locks without altering the colour.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is also ideal for locks. It is widely appreciated for its moisturising and nourishing properties, as well as its ability to penetrate deep into the hair fibre.

How do I care for my locks?

When you wash your locks, use a gentle sulphate-free shampoo, as these chemicals tend to dry out the scalp. Moisturising is the number one rule for locks to look their best. Prepare a spray with spring water or aloe vera juice mixed with a little vegetable oil, an essential oil (pay attention to dosage and medical contraindications) and some vitamin E. This moisturising cocktail will deeply nourish your hair. Apply the product all over your hair, paying special attention to the ends. You can also wrap your locks in a warm towel for a few minutes to help the products absorb. Remember to sleep with a satin cap and pillowcase to avoid rubbing or breakages during the night.

Discover our natural oils and products to care for your locks!